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License exempt frequencies / No license required
The access to spectrum for PMSE (wireless microphones, In-Ear monitor systems, talk-back applications) is subject to a licence-exempt regime, authorized by the national regulatory authority ARCEP (Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes).
Such use is allowed in the following bands and is restricted to professional users.
• 174 - 223 MHz, max. 50mW ERP
• 470 - 694 MHz, max. 50 mW ERP
• 694 - 789 MHz, max. 50 mW ERP (until the 1st of July 2019)
Note: ARCEP Decision n° 2016-0272 clarifies the transitional use within the band 694-790 MHz by PMSE equipment until 1 July 2019. It contains the list of cities and the associated dates of reallocations beyond which the PMSE use will be restricted.
• 786 - 789 MHz,max. 12 mW ERP
• 823 - 826 MHz, max. 20 mW e.i.r.p. or max. 100 mW e.i.r.p. for body-worn wireless microphones
• 826 - 832 MHz, max. 100 mW e.i.r.p. max. 50mW e.i.r.p. for body-worn wireless microphones otherwise max. 20mW e.i.r.p.
• 1785 - 1800 MHz,
What the effect of change in 800 and 700 MHz? See:
Further Information
Link to France administrations homepage (in English) where PMSE user can apply for a license, see:
Link to France administrations homepage (in French) where PMSE user can apply for a license, see:
Downloadable application form on the website of ARCEP, ‘Formulaire de demande d'autorisation temporaire d'utilisation de fréquences’:
Note: information as of April 2018